I have Charlotte's tooth and she has a hole in her mouth |
Last night Charlotte lost her first baby tooth! It had been pretty loose for a few days, and she had stopped eating food that required her to bite into it (her soft sandwich had to be torn into tiny bites). Finally last night, before bed, she asked Eric to yank it for her. She was scared, but determined. She sat on my lap and I held her tight, and we both closed our eyes. Eric made an attempt and it didn't come out, and she was devastated and started to cry. At this point, Asher came into the room due to all the commotion, so he got to witness the whole thing.
Charlotte asked Eric to try one more time, so he did, and out it popped. She was delighted! We put the tooth in a small plastic ziploc (even though I am trying to stop using plastic bags if at all possible), and she wrote a note to the tooth fairy. She was worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't get to her that night (because it has happened that the tooth fairy has been late to our house before..), but I assured her that the tooth fairy prioritizes first teeth over later teeth and that she would be there.
She wrote the note with no help |
Eric went to bed without doing anything, but fortunately I wrote a nice note back and printed it for her (because when I handwrote notes for the boys they recognized my handwriting), and saved her tooth. She got a $2 bill to save, and a $5 bill to spend on something she wants. She told me today that since she had lost her tooth so late at night, she was going to talk about it all day today, and I told her that was fair. Tonight we were reading "Ramona the Pest" by Beverly Cleary, and in it Ramona loses her first tooth, but the illustration showed her with a full smile. So I let Charlotte take a black pen and color in a black gap so that Ramona and Charlotte's new smiles match.