I had my cervix checked again today. I get to go once a week from now on, which is nice. It gets me out of the house, and it is reassuring. And it is a nice marker as I move from week to week. So, today I am 25 weeks, and my cervix is stable. Short, but stable. I got to see my original OB, who I hadn't had an appointment with since I was 18 weeks, and I was very reassured by him and his bedside manner. He said that as long as I am stable, this bedrest can go on until I'm full term. I say, bring it on! It is amazing how a doctor's bedside manner can really affect my mood. After seeing the other OB last week I left feeling very down and not hopeful, and this week, although there is no change, I feel very hopeful and optimistic. I guess every week of no change is good!
The boys look great, so that is always nice to see. What I thought were Baby A's feet are actually Baby B's, so that's good, too. I had thought I was only feeling A because the majority of movement is on my right, but it turns out that B's feet are hanging out over there. Their heart rates are perfect. When the OB went to show me Baby A's face, he was sucking his thumb! Just like his mommy. Great. Eric and I are starting the Whitten Twins' Orthodontic Fund tomorrow, donations are welcome. B was looking right out at us. I love them more every day, and it just reminds me that even though bedrest stinks some days, I am doing it for two beautiful reasons. I am so excited to meet my sons, but not so excited that I can't wait another 10-11 weeks to do it!
Last night I had a bit of a bedrest breakdown... Eric got very busy with work and we hadn't had dinner yet. We were just going to have leftovers anyway, but I was waiting on him. I was getting more hungry, but ok. He was about to get involved in more work and I asked if he could help me with dinner first. He came up to help, and then I was indecisive (that's the problem with leftovers, they get to be boring old news fast), and he snapped at me. I burst into tears because I was just so frustrated, why can't I make my own dinner? It is extremely hard for me to be completely dependent on him, and I am sure hard for him to be responsible for me. We have a very equal marriage outside of bedrest, and so a lot of the jobs that I have always done are now his. He hasn't complained, but it is obvious that bedrest is wearing on both of us.
We also had some good news today. A friend of ours, who I won't name because she is keeping this quiet for a little, received a marriage proposal and accepted! Everything is in the early stages, but we are happy for her. Now, we need to meet her fiance so that we can pass judgment and be sure she's marrying someone who deserves her. She also asked if I would be in her bridal party (a bridesmatron?), which I happily accepted. I hope that I can help with a shower and all that fun stuff, too.
In the background of this week's belly picture, you can see a framed print on its side. This painting is a gift from my mom's parents and has hung in their house my entire life. They recently moved to an apartment and weren't able to take all their things with them. I have wanted this print ever since I was very young; I remember looking at it before my sister was even born and thinking someone had painted a picture of me with my parents. So I am thrilled to have it in my own home, and can't look at it without thinking of my grandparents and parents. My grandparents' house is the site of many a warm and happy memory. Now that I think about it, Eric and I had our first kiss on the couch across from this picture! So it is nice to sit and gestate on the couch across from it now.
Hi - love the blog and you look great!