Monday, September 19, 2011

Benjamin's 1st hair cut

We took Benjamin for his first haircut on Saturday.  I had been saying that we didn't really need to do it yet, but on Friday night when we were saying the Shabbat prayers, my dad put a yarmulke on Benjamin's head and Eric pulled Benjamin's little curls over his ears like they were peyes, so maybe they were a little too long.  He just had a tiny trim, but it really makes him look much more like a little boy than a baby.
holding on to mommy for safety 
making sure there's no funny business

very serious about the hair cut
I went through Eric's camera photos and found this photo from August, when we went to DC:
Eric holding Asher, Grandpa Sy, Grandma Tenny, me holding Benjamin
 And this picture from our trip to Cape Cod, when we let Benjamin color with crayons.  I think Benjamin looks so adorable here!  I told my mom that he could be a baby model, look at his face, his legs, etc!  My mom thought perhaps I am a little biased.  Well, maybe I am, but I still think he is cute as can be.
Benjaboo, baby model

1 comment:

  1. LMAO. Every mother thinks their child(ren) are the most gorgeous and should model. You sound very typical.
