Sunday, April 1, 2012

odds and ends

*Today, after refusing to wear hats all winter, Benjamin decided he wanted to wear his frog hat.  He wore it all day.  He couldn't have been cuter!  Here he is eating breakfast at Aunt Jane and Uncle Ed's house this morning:

*Both boys think naps are for babies, and they don't need them now that they're two years old.  They have been going down for babysitters, but not for me.  Today I managed to convince them to nap, hurray!  But I miss my huge chunk of quiet time in the afternoon.
A nap... half was in bed, and the other half on the couch.

*I would not be surprised if Asher decides to be a vegetarian.  He doesn't seem to like meat at all, but he loves cheese, vegetables, pasta, beans-- basically anything that isn't meat.  Benjamin is a fairly adventurous eater, and tonight at dinner (we went out for Vietnamese), he tried duck and shrimp and loved them.  He seems to think everything tastes better if it is eaten off my fork or chop sticks.  Asher is definitely more picky; he will try things and make a face and spit it out.  But I always compliment him for trying!

*I'm trying to "train" for my 10-mile run on May 6.  Some weeks are better than others.  When everyone was sick, we didn't get out at all.  Usually I do about two 2-3 mile runs with the boys in their jog stroller, and then on the weekends I go for a longer run on my own.  Today I ran 6 miles at an average pace of 10 minutes/mile- this is really good for me!  Both Eric and I are proud that I'm actually doing this.

*Asher is extremely attached to me.  He seems to be getting more attached as time goes by.  He loves to sit on my lap and curl up and suck his thumb.  I love our snuggles, but I feel guilty that Benjamin gets fewer snuggles, since he's less demanding.

*You can really see their personalities emerging.  Benjamin is independent, and likes to do things on his own (or at least try to!).  He is great with his spoon and fork, he likes to snap the buckles on his booster seat and try to do them on his car seat.  He is happy to play with his toys, quietly.  Asher has less patience than Benjamin, and will throw a toy if he gets frustrated.  Asher also has a good sense of humor and likes to entertain us.  He also seems to "get" humor, and will laugh at things on TV or in real life.
Goof-asuarus Rex

*We're working on several projects in our house.  Eric's parents are coming to visit on the 13th, and Eric and his dad are going to put a powder room in on our first floor.  Of course, they are putting it in where we once had a closet, so now we don't have anywhere to put our coats and jackets... so that will entail yet another project at some point.

*I'm planning the menu for the boys' birthday party.  I'm sure I will make way too much food out of fear that there won't be enough... it's in my genes!

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